The 2018 Shearwater Pool Story

That's our gorgeous pool. As everybody knows, we have pool parties every month. We opened the season successfully with the Memorial Day party. We had the perfect weather, and lots of people showed up. It was a great day to welcome new neighbours!

And that was it; that was the end of the sunny, warm days. It rained, a lot... And, of course according to Murphy's Law, Tuesdays (when the pool is closed) were hot!

It was June already, time for the next pool party. Well, guess what – IT WAS RAINING AGAIN and not only... it was cold. Nobody wants to be at a cold weather party, especially at a pool! Although, 4 brave enthusiasts came and LET THE PARTY BEGIN until the rain came again.

The storms tried to take over the July party but we beat the weather just in time and we had a great pool party. August 24th is next. Come and join the party!

by Kristina Maksimova








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